
Your best option if you are looking for funeral homes in Merida.

Amaité Servicios Funerarios



I. Responsible for the protection of your personal data and address

The company Amaité Memorial Park S.A. de C.V., hereinafter “Amaité”, with domicile in C. 50 1372, Temozon Norte, unnamed street  in Col. 27, C.P. 97302 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico; is responsible for the use, treatment and protection of your personal data in terms of the provisions of articles 3 -section XIV-, 16 -section I-, of the Mexican Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, hereinafter “The Law”; article 27 -section I-, of its Regulations, hereinafter “The Regulations”; Chapter V -Section I- of the Privacy Notice Guidelines, hereinafter “The Guidelines”; and in this regard informs you as follows:

II. Treatment of personal data contained in this form

“Amaité”, assures the strictest confidentiality in the collection and treatment of the personal data of the client(s), decedent(s), and family members collected through the Service Contract, as well as in different forms and requests filled out by the clients.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 15, 16 -section II-, of “The Law”; 26, 27 -section II- and 28 of “The Regulation”, we inform you that your personal data (general, financial, patrimonial, and sensitive) will be collected personally through printed means, or any other means, to be used by “Amaité”, for the following essential purposes:

  1. To provide the services of wake, cremation or burial, thanatopraxis laboratory, mausoleum with niches, among others.
  2. To provide information and communication to the clients about the services they can request to “Amaité”.
  3. To notify requirements.
  4. To confirm and correct the information that we know about you to guarantee your right to the protection of personal data.
  5. To guarantee the security of the visitors, as well as to monitor and have a registry of the them (video surveillance).

We also inform you that your personal data may also be used for the following non-essential purposes:

  1. To offer you information about promotions by “Amaité”.
  2. To offer you orientation and management of procedures with a single call.
  3. To offer the service of a toy library with a babysitter.
  4. Photographic virtual tribute.

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Place of birth
  4. Place of death
  5. Billing information
  6. Date of death
  7. Identification
  8. Address
  9. E-mail address
  10. Telephone
  11. Data of the deceased and of the deceased

In addition to the personal data mentioned above, for the purposes informed in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data considered sensitive, requiring special protection:

  • Religious Beliefs
III. Use of images

In order to provide the photographic virtual tribute service, “Amaité” may use and print the image(s) of the deceased that the client provides to the company in printed and/or electronic media, in all its manifestations, interpretations, or executions and editions; for the aforementioned purpose, using to carry out this function of external suppliers if necessary.

Also, “Amaité” may take or receive photographs of employees in order to process the labor credentials in order to identify them and allow them access to the facilities of the company in its different service areas.

Out of these cases “Amaité” will not reveal any image about the activities carried out in the company.

In those cases in which the Institution intends to use the image of collaborators or other members of the company for marketing or advertising purposes, it will be necessary to have the consent of the person or his legal representative, which will be obtained prior to the use of the image.

Consent for the processing of sensitive and financial data

In compliance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of “The Law”, we inform you that in order to collect and process your sensitive, financial or patrimonial data, in the terms indicated in Section II of this Notice, it is necessary to have your express consent, so in those cases in which information classified within any of these categories is required, you will be asked for your authorization for the processing of such data through the corresponding form. You may at any time revoke the consent given to the company for the processing of your personal information in those cases that the Law itself indicates.

Transfer of personal information  

“Amaité” may transfer your general personal data (including in some cases sensitive data) to government agencies and/or competent authorities that regulate the service; as well as to comply with the legal relationship that exists between the company and you as the owner of your personal data, in which case, it will not require the express consent of the owner, in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 -Section III- of “The Law”.

Except for the above-mentioned cases, and unless any of the assumptions contained in Article 37 -Section III- of “The Law”, the personal data of the client(s), decedent(s), and family members will not be transferred under any circumstances.

Revocation of consent and exercise of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition Rights

In accordance with the provisions of “The Law”, you may request access, rectification, cancellation (in case it is legally appropriate) or oppose the use of personal data that have been provided to “Amaité” or revoke the consent you have given.

To exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition, as well as to revoke your consent, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Send an email to:, sending your ARCO request (“Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition” request).
  2. In your ARCO request, you must precisely identify the data regarding which you are requesting access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition, or those regarding which you wish to revoke your consent, attaching any of the identification documents in order to prove your identity or the personality with which you are making the request. Once this form has been completed, it must be sent to the e-mail address specified in the previous paragraph and any documents that are relevant to the request in question may be attached. For rectification requests, it is necessary for the holder to indicate precisely what modification to be made, attaching the documentation that proves the origin of the request.
  3. Once your request has been received, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to you with the corresponding date of receipt.
  4. In case your request has been sent on a Friday or on a non-working day, it may be received as of the working day following the one on which it was sent.

Your request will be answered via e-mail within twenty working days from the date of acknowledgment of receipt.

In case your request is in accordance with “The Law” and other regulations in force, access will be granted, your data will be rectified or canceled, your right of opposition will be enforced or your consent will be revoked, within fifteen days following the date on which your request is answered.

In all the cases in which your request is appropriate, in terms of the provisions of Articles 32, 33, 34, and 35 of “The Law”, the delivery of the personal data will be free of charge through the e-mail address that the holder indicated for such purposes, in case you require the information to be delivered in a different way, you must only cover the justified shipping costs and/or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats that are generated.

VII. Means to limit the use or disclosure of personal data 

In the event that you as the owner of the personal data do not wish to continue receiving communications in relation to the non-essential purposes detailed in this notice, you may at any time send an email to the address: requesting to stop being contacted for such purposes.

VIII. To whom can you submit your complaints and claims for improper processing of your personal data?

If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been harmed by any conduct or omission on our part, action, or response to your requests, you may file a complaint or claim before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) in Mexico. For more information, you can consult the site:


If you have any questions about the content, interpretation, or scope of this notice, or require further information regarding the treatment of your information, you can contact our General Director, via email at:

Changes to the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is effective as of September 01, 2019, and may undergo modifications, changes, or updates derived from new legal requirements; from our own needs for the services we offer; from our privacy practices; from changes in our business model, or for other causes; which will be modified in a discretionary manner by the responsible party.

We commit to keeping you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo, through our web page:


Last update: March 2023